Brand Semiotics & Audience Design

Mike HardmanBrandingLeave a Comment

Semiotics is the study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation. In the marketing sense, it looks at how consumers interpret imagery and the relationship that interpretation creates. When you see a gecko, what do you think of? Chances are, you think of the insurance giant Geico. You also, whether consciously or not, think funny, cute. Geico has … Read More

Managing the Creative Process

Mike HardmanBrandingLeave a Comment

Many companies out there promise to drive down the cost of doing business. And some probably do. But I think there are some basic steps agencies can take to help keep their projects on time and on budget. Namely, they should develop a strategic brand map. I’ve written at length what a strategic brand map can accomplish for the brand … Read More

Purell: A Case Study In Strategy

Mike HardmanBrandingLeave a Comment

Adweek recently published an article on the PURELL brand’s success. We played a role in its early success, and it’s exciting to see the brand sustain its effectiveness. PURELL’s parent company is GOJO, who produces products for healthy skin and on-the-go hygiene solutions. A privately owned company, GOJO is a global leader in hygiene production and marketing. Our challenge involved … Read More

Will You Keep Your Brand Promise?

Mike HardmanBrandingLeave a Comment

It’s February. Have you kept your New Years resolutions? One resolution we, as brand marketers, need to keep in order to be successful is our brand promise. Last August, I went through the four Brand Attributes, of which your brand promise is one. And it’s an important one. Your promise represents the benefits your brand communicates to your customer. Because … Read More

Successful Brands Empower Their Employees

Mike HardmanBrandingLeave a Comment

We just launched a new brand strategy for VISION EASE, a Minnesota-based ophthalmic lens manufacturer. The external launch took place at a major trade event as part of our strategy to influence our valued trade partners. In revitalizing the brand, we continued to build upon the established values of VISION EASE and the emotional connection it already has with its … Read More

Find Your Brand Essence

Mike HardmanBrandingLeave a Comment

The word essence represents the qualities that define something. It’s the nature of the being. We’ve been talking about defining the qualities — what I call attributes — that make our brand what it is. Understanding your brand’s attributes helps you connect with both its functional and its emotional benefits. But the real meaning comes when you understand the motivation … Read More